>> 4. April 2022

– The Major Challenges for the Real Estate in the Year 2022


We are only three months into real estate year 2022 and the major trends in real estate management have already started emerging: Digital strategies must be initiated and implemented – and there is no way around the topics of API compatibility and ESG compliance.

“Data transparency is an indispensable asset for any company,” says Realcube CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Uwe Forgber.

“Unfortunately, In the real estate industry and specifically in the building management, we still see so many silo solutions resulting in no functioning based on aggregated data evaluation. To be precise, the data flow between asset, property and facility management is still inadequate and intransparent at many places.”

If we have a look at the new EU taxonomies in the area of sustainability and energy consumption, that came into force at the beginning of 2022, we see that the topics of environmental, social and governance (ESG) have gained prominence.

“Thus, sustainable and ESG-compliant real estate management is not possible without updated and traceable data. Being able to analyse energy consumption and many other KPIs in real time is the key factor for the digitised real estate industry,” explains Dr. Forgber.

Transparency and efficiency for digital real estate management

With its open, cloud-based solution, Realcube provides real estate owners and operators with an innovative platform for smart and flexible digitalisation and ESG compliance in real estate management. With a standardised data model and open interfaces (API = Application Programming Interface), Realcube integrates data from different applications and systems used by real estate companies and their service providers.

“Via the Realcube ecosystem and its API technology, it is possible to connect PropTech applications. For example, data from the building use and building operation can be evaluated almost in “real time”. says Dr. Forgber.

He further adds, “Owners and operators can use the property data that is relevant to them in every case.

The new transparency and AI-supported correlations make it possible to make decisions virtually in real time and finally also to make predictions about future developments.”

Managing sustainability with Realcube’s new ESG dashboard

Realcube analyses aggregated data from individual or multiple properties and provides clients with standardised and customised dashboards and reports at the mere click of a button. 

Dr. Forgber elucidated the Realcube’s latest development, in a press release, which is the ESG dashboard. This dashboard allows asset managers to reduce operating costs and ultimately manages the decarbonization journey of the buildings.

API-secure and ESG-compliant in real estate management to exploit the full potential of digitalization – that is the imperative for all those acting in the real estate industry in 2022. 

“Realcube is making an important contribution to this,” says Uwe Forgber, because: 

“API-enabled technology is THE prerequisite for real estate to be operated in an ESG-compliant manner.”

Thus, Realcube in 2022 is set for exponential growth. We continue to expand our team and expand our business in the DACH region and beyond. We will present the opportunities and possibilities of API-based technology in relation to ESG-compliant property management to an ever-growing circle of interested property owners and operators at the major industry events and trade fairs this year.