>> Real estate management

Data-driven, cloud-based, plug-and-play simple.

A cockpit with all data at a glance

Realcube ist die digitale All-In-One-Plattform für Immobilien-Management-Daten, die alles sofort auf einen Blick zeigt. Als umfassende und unabhängige Business-Intelligence-Lösung kann die digitale Realcube-Plattform – auch in Verbindung mit API-as-a-Service – alle Immobilien-Management-Daten miteinander verbinden und direkt analysieren. 
Der Schlüssel für erfolgreiches Immobilien-Management.

Davon profitiert das Financial Asset Management, das Technische Asset Management und das Compliance Management rund um die Themen Bankability, Taxonomie und ESG.


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Direkt Vorteile sehen >>
Realcube liefert Ihnen nicht nur das Fundament für eine nachhaltige Digitalisierungs­strategie, sondern übernimmt für sie die Automatisierung der Datenlieferungen aus jedem einzelnen Gebäude sowie aus Drittsystemen Ihrer Dienstleister.

"Personality, experience, gut feeling: these all remain important.

But only in combination with direct and comprehensive access to all data can real estate management be successful in the future."

Dr. Uwe Forgber, CEO realcube

>> ESG-Reporting

Realcube is the ideal platform for ESG-optimized real estate management

Data is the key to successful ESG management.

All ESG-relevant data is collected and directly analyzed on the Realcube platform: To increase performance while taking sustainability requirements into account.
 Realcube is also the initiator of SPEC 91475: ESG, a common data language for the ecological analysis of buildings. The first step towards an overall industry standard.

Realcube automates real estate management data for successful asset, property and facility management as well as investment management.

This allows for cost-efficient management of existing real estate as well as strategic decisions for growth on a new level.

"With the introduction of the Realcube platform, we can act in real-time.
This is a game-changer that allows us to meet our ambitious targets for expansion and growth."

Marc Hildebrand CEO, SCHÖNES LEBEN Gruppe


What makes real estate management successful?

With our Real Estate Management Performance QUICK CHECK you can immediately see in a first step if your company, your approach, your management practice meets essential criteria for real estate management success.

Easy to test.

Data-Driven. Cloud-based. Simply Plug-and-Play.
Realcube is the comprehensive and independent business intelligence SaaS platform for real estate management data that shows everything instantly at a glance.

Connect all real estate management data.

Existing solutions can be easily connected to the Realcube platform via API-as-a-Service.

Automation of all real estate management data.

For successful asset, property and facility as well as investment management.

ESG-optimiertes Immobilien-Management.

All ESG-relevant data is captured and directly analyzed on the Realcube platform.

Realcube provides "digital twins" of real estate.

Realcube end-to-end data lakes provide a comprehensive view of real estate performance.

>> Contact

Your contact to us!

Want to learn more about the Realcube All-In-One SaaS platform?

Or you want to talk to us about how to integrate your real estate management data? Or you are interested in our solution for successful ESG management?

>> Simply get in touch: